Nighttime Light: The Silent Sleep Disruptor

Remember awhile back when we published ‘Light at Night is Bad, People‘? Well, consider this the reunion tour—today, we’re diving back in to explore why nighttime light is the ultimate sleep stealer.

Picture this: it’s bedtime, and you’re ready to fall fast asleep. Then, bam! You remember a work email and crack the laptop open. Or maybe that street lamp outside is shining right in your window. Or, like the very real scenario for many shift workers, you’re working and inevitably exposed to light. Well, if the title of our last blog wasn’t spoiler enough, we’re here to remind you that any light at night might be the exact reason your sleep is suffering.

Why? Because in the dark, our brain signals the body to release melatonin. But when we’re exposed to artificial light, the brain gets mixed signals and thinks it’s time to put the melatonin away.

Studies have linked the exposure of light at night to many health hiccups, from tossing our sleep patterns out of sync to negatively affecting our metabolism. It can play tricks on our body’s internal circadian clock, leading to issues like insomnia, weight gain, and even Alzheimer’s disease

So what can you do to defeat this nighttime nemesis? Dim those screens before bed, opt for dim lights, and embrace the power of blackout curtains. And don’t forget about Arcashift, our powerful sleep and circadian digital twin that helps you avoid light at the right times based on your unique schedule and internal clock. Arcashift guides you on when to limit light exposure and when to embrace it, keeping your circadian rhythms aligned with your day. 

By being mindful of our light exposure, we’re not just working toward better sleep; we’re giving our body the care it needs to function at its best. So, next time you’re tempted to keep the lights on overhead after dark, remember: your body deserves its beauty sleep too.

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