Shift work

National Nurses Week: Understanding Struggles and Solutions

For National Nurses Week, it’s crucial to spotlight these dedicated professionals who sacrifice their well-being and disrupt their routines to ensure continuous patient care.  Over the years, we’ve spoken to many shift workers in the healthcare industry about their experiences working nights. Many of the insights we’ve gathered align closely with findings from our 2023 …

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Benefits of Time Restricted Eating

3 Benefits of Time-Restricted Eating for Shift Workers

Shift work can add a layer of complexity to your daily routine, setting you apart from the typical 9-to-5 crowd. Daily activities, like when to eat, can become a question that you don’t have time to answer. That’s where the magic of circadian science comes in. Increasingly, it looks like shift workers can do better …

3 Benefits of Time-Restricted Eating for Shift Workers Read More »

Running the numbers on health care shift workers

At Arcascope, we’re focused on helping shift workers get more sleep and feel better with circadian-specific interventions. In particular, we’ve spoken to a lot of shift workers in the healthcare industry about their experiences working nights.  A lot of the lessons we’ve learned are echoed in this recent survey we ran with 218 nurses who …

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Feeling Flat

Over and over again, I’ve heard shift workers say something like the following:  “I have no rhythms.”  “It’s just a constant experience of bleh.” “I get off shift, and more than tired, I just feel… flat.” “Ah,” I think when I hear this. “The amplitudes of their circadian rhythms have been squashed.” To steal an …

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