
Circadian science, company news, sleep tips and more from the Arcascope team

  • Time-Restricted Eating and Shift Work

    Time-Restricted Eating and Shift Work

    I have always been a good eater. Before I knew about time-restricted eating, back when I was in college—waking up at 4:50 am for crew practice, staying up until 1:00…

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  • Measuring Sleep Regularity

    Measuring Sleep Regularity

    What is sleep regularity and why is it important? Sleep regularity is a gauge of how consistent a person’s sleep patterns are, based on the day-to-day variability in their sleep–wake…

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  • What School Never Taught You About Sleep

    What School Never Taught You About Sleep

    I woke up feeling groggy and lazy almost every day in the past school semester leading up to this summer. I was already doing research on sleep at that point,…

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