
Circadian science, company news, sleep tips and more from the Arcascope team

  • What a Sleep and Circadian Digital Twin Can Do For You

    What a Sleep and Circadian Digital Twin Can Do For You

    Like anyone talking about anything, I tune my content to the audience. When I talk about our tech to travelers, I tell them our apps can help them get over…

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  • Feeling Flat

    Feeling Flat

    Over and over again, I’ve heard shift workers say something like the following:  “I have no rhythms.”  “It’s just a constant experience of bleh.” “I get off shift, and more…

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  • Book & Article of the Month (June – July)

    Book & Article of the Month (June – July)

    If you follow us on social media, you already know what we picked for our monthly reading material. For those who don’t, don’t worry: we’re also highlighting them here, on…

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  • Visualizing MESA: Part 2

    Visualizing MESA: Part 2

    We’ve already looked at the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) dataset—an absolute treasure trove of sleep data, available from the NSRR at—once, through the lens of sleep duration. But…

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